Saturday, November 9, 2013

Review: "The Sunshine Boys" at The Ahmanson

Ah, the Ahmanson. LA's premium Broadway outlet. Patrons can always count on this venue to deliver some type of theatre that will be either going to or coming from New York. figures that Danny Devito and hisTaxi comerade Judd Hirsch would eventually make an appearance. 

I liked it. But it is not the best thing I have seen this year. 

The Sunshine Boys exhibits timely, old-school comedy in that "best friends who know everything about each other" kind of way. This is a true Neil Simon piece of work, in a good way. I enjoyed it for sure, as I always happily laugh through Neil Simon plays. But if I may make a sweeping generalization, Dads love Neil Simon, so if you're looking for a good father/daughter date or a "bros night out," this is the show to make him laugh. There are some really great situational moments, some super lines...and others that are incredibly cheesy. Overall it's a good time. 

Apparently DD loves this role, as a quick Google search of the show yields a multitude of articles, photos and infrmation on his previous run with the now late Richard Griffiths. After all, it was DD's West End debut. Woot. He does a great job in it. He's got the timing down and I would go as far to say that he owned the role of struggling, nearly retired actor, Willy Clark. He and Hirsch play off each other well...I can't exactly say that something was missing specifically...but it needed something to happen to make it exceptional. I wasn't completely awed in my theatre experience that night, but I did enjoy some good laughs with a friend.

There was one brilliant moment that stuck out to me in particular. When Al Lewis comes over to Willy Clark's Upper West Side appartment (his former Vaudeville companion) to rehearse for their television reunion act, there is a dispute over the blocking for their comedy sketch. The two spend nearly four silent minutes rearranging the furnature behind each other's backs. I could not stop laughing, watching DD waddling around the stage, with JH unknowingly fumbling around behind him. That was a great, old fashioned, piece of gag blocking. I laughed nearly the entire time and there was never a word spoken on stage.

Surprise Bonus: Justin Bartha makes a small appearance. Sorry, not his best performance. And this is my second time seeing him on stage. Cute...but could have done more with the role.. Maybe he's better off just almost dying in every Hangover film. 

Anyway, it's cute. In that good Neil Simon kind of way. Don't miss it. But, there are some other great shows coming up at CTG this season that I might be more excited for. 


The Sunshine Boys ran September 24th through November 3rd at the Ahmanson Theatre in downtown Los Angeles.

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